General Community Guidelines:
Be nice to others and respect eachother.
Do your best to keep a nice atmosphere in the game.
Keep the chat safe for younger players.
Do not spam or harass others.
Report rule breakers using the /reportabuse command.
In addition to above, do not create/send content that:
is illegal.
contains references to the use of drugs, sexual acts or violence.
contains swearing at others or bypasses the word filter.
discriminates other people based on their religion, race, sex, political beliefs, age, sexuality, or anything else.
incites harm against people or encourages others to do so.
contains others' personal or confidential information.
impersonates someone in a misleading or deceptive manner.
(the rules above apply to all content you submit to EERewritten including chats, sign text and even blocks)
And also do not:
attempt to hack or interfere with the normal use of EERewritten.
bypass bans by using more than one account.
abuse the reporting system.
DO report people who break the rules stated above.
DO explain the situation as detailed as you can.
DO NOT report things that are not against the rules.
DO NOT report trolling as it is not against the rules.
DO NOT report world owners for not giving you edit.